
New Feature: QR Code Scanning in Labelbase v2.2.2

Dear Labelbase Community-Member,

I am constantly striving to improve your Bitcoin BIP-329 label management experience, and I am thrilled to share the latest updates.

Labelbase version 2.2.2 is here, and with it comes the ability to scan addresses from your favorite hardware wallet, QR codes from your mobile device, or even from a SATSCARD to label them directly in your own instance of Labelbase.

This new QR scanner feature makes managing your labels more seamless and efficient than ever before, especially if you send bitcoin to your cold storage setup.

Recent Update: Labelbase v2.2.1

Labelbase v2.2.1 was primarily a “housekeeping release,” focusing on integration into RaspiBlitz, ensuring a smoother and more robust performance.

Labelbase will be available in Version 1.11.1 of RaspiBlitz.


The QR scanner is now available in the self-hosted version of Labelbase v2.2.2+.

Getting Started or Upgrading

For a detailed installation guide, visit: github.com/Labelbase/Labelbase/blob/master/install.md

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Demo, hosted labelbase.space

Previous announcement: labelbase.space/ann-v2-2-0

Get in touch via Twitter @xavierfiechter, Nostr npub1tkd6930wp6rw93z80v29avcp7t0svp36r86vf2usg27nguvgaj8qqmkmkx or by email at xavier@labelbase.space.